Caffè Motta's commitment begins with a careful selection of the finest qualities of Arabica and Robusta from the main producing countries. The particular roasting procedures, combined with careful mixing and packaging processes, further improved through the use of the latest generation systems, aim at the production of a unique, quality product, rigorously made in Italy.
Tradition and constant search for excellence and social responsibility are the values that guide the company. Every single product in the production chain is monitored according to rigorous international standards which certify compliance with the rules on hygiene, safety and food quality.
Freshness, ripening of the beans, certified origin: each step is followed and controlled by experts, by those who have been working with passion for over thirty years.

Innovation means interpreting the evolution of customs and tastes to offer the consumer a modern product, capable of satisfying his needs. Drinking Italian coffee is a simple gesture, but it's much more than a habit: it's culture, tradition, socializing and that's why we take care of it, every day.